Brook + Dillon // Braxton Brewing Engagement Photos

Brook and Dillon are getting married in Asheville this fall and I am beyondddd stoked to be a part of their day. Every single detail is being planned to a t- they want it to be a perfect celebration of their love and I have faith it’ll be just that. Brook and I worked together on the vision for their engagement photos and the couple’s love of Braxton beer gave us the perfect choice: start their session at Braxton Cincinnati. We met up, drank some beer, opened the garage door mid January and froze some customers out, and had a great time. After we took a trip over to Eden park for some more photos, and we were rewarded with a visit from their pup Sully. The entire time I could not get over how in synch they were with each other and how much they laughed together. They were silly and fun (but could also bring the moody steam) and all around just happy to be with one another. You can’t help but feel happy when you’re around them and I am so excited for more of that energy on their wedding day!

Karly Nemeth